“Our hearts and prayers are with all who are impacted by the LA Wildfires. Please reach out to us for prayer and support.” Christina Litman (808) 410-2004

Join us every Sunday for Sunday Service in person from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm!


Agape Soul Center of the Pacific is a vibrant spiritual community. We are dedicated to fostering love, compassion, and personal transformation. Inspired by the teachings of Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith and the principles of Agape and facilitated by Christina Litman ALSP. We embrace diverse expressions of the Divine within each individual. Our mission is to empower souls to awaken their highest potential. We do this through transformative programs, inclusive practices, and heartfelt connection. We celebrate the sacred journey of life, nurturing a culture of peace, creativity, and service. This is a community dedicated to agape love, sustainability & transformation.


“Today I choose to align with the truth that peace begins with me, and through my intentional presence, I contribute to the healing of our global community.”


“In the stillness of this moment, I embrace the peace that resides within me. I release all tension and allow my thoughts to settle like leaves on a calm pond. As I breathe deeply, I invite clarity and serenity into my heart. Today, I choose to be present, to listen to the whispers of my soul, and to connect with the world around me in love and compassion.”